Thursday 12 May 2011

Attempting Stop Motion

My idea of stop motion came to me when I was looking at a drawing that I had done. It was a drawing of the ‘creation’ of a daisy drawn in segments.
I thought back to one of my first tutorials when I had no further ideas for my work and quickly came to a bit of a stand still. My tutor asked me if I had any favourite artists or any hobbies, and maybe look at them for influence or try and worm it into my work. Immediately I thought of my favourite artist Tim Burton. I have enjoyed his work ever since I was little and I had begged my mum if I could stay up until 2am on Christmas eve to watch ‘The nightmare before Christmas’.

I think his style is unique and everything is completely gothic, and yet still remains enchanting.
And this is where I felt it would be ideal to try stop motion as it would let me explore a different context and also allow me to be influenced by my favourite artist.

Here are some of the clips from my stop motion:

Yes…it had taken me a long time to do… These are just seven clips out of 146 frames.
I really enjoyed working with stop motion I had done it previously when I was in college and found it a very long process, but I think its worth it when the final product is finished. 

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