Wednesday 11 May 2011

Attempting Sculpture..

After a tutorial with Miguel, he said i needed to get out of my comfort zone of drawing my daisies in the same way, and to develop my work i should try and explore different contexts. So far i have only used photography and drawing, i feel that the photography is good as a form of research and documentation aswel as work itself. So i decided to look at sculpture. Previously, if i had ever attempted sculpture it would always go horribly wrong and i felt that was my worst medium, so i've never really had the confidence or felt comfortable doing it since. But after my tutorial i sort of just said "try it!' So i did...My idea was to make daisies out of paper, as this is my main material, and to be quite honest I thought they turned out quite  well to what i was expecting.

I remember looking at an artist Helen Chadwick. She done a piece which was titled "piss flowers" where she and her husband would piss in the snow and make steel moulds of them.


I liked how there were many of these big white sculptures all placed together. My sculptures were slightly influenced by these, but i wanted and felt that i needed to do more with mine. One of my Previous ideas was where i hung my drawings of my daisies out on the line. So i tried it again with my little flower sculptures, and i felt i had explored another medium, installation. I also wanted to take photographs, and videos to take my work into a different context and get certain photographs enlarged to use as pieces of work. 

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