Thursday 12 May 2011

My Final Assessment...

My final assessment was the day after my exhibition, I wasn’t really looking forward to it. As I had to re-sit second year I think the fear of failing again had been in my mind.
But I had no need to worry; My tutors said that they felt I had come so far in my work.
I personally feel looking back over the past year my work has developed so much more than it has in the previous years. The past few months I have enjoyed university the most, and I really think you get a lot more inspiration from a positive environment.
And I think I have come a long way and using sculpture is an easy example as attempting it in the past it has always gone wrong and never worked and I’ve never really wanted to take my self out of my comfort zones of drawing and painting because I’ve never really had the confidence to.

I believe that my positive attitude towards my work will carry on into the final year of the degree...

Attempting Stop Motion

My idea of stop motion came to me when I was looking at a drawing that I had done. It was a drawing of the ‘creation’ of a daisy drawn in segments.
I thought back to one of my first tutorials when I had no further ideas for my work and quickly came to a bit of a stand still. My tutor asked me if I had any favourite artists or any hobbies, and maybe look at them for influence or try and worm it into my work. Immediately I thought of my favourite artist Tim Burton. I have enjoyed his work ever since I was little and I had begged my mum if I could stay up until 2am on Christmas eve to watch ‘The nightmare before Christmas’.

I think his style is unique and everything is completely gothic, and yet still remains enchanting.
And this is where I felt it would be ideal to try stop motion as it would let me explore a different context and also allow me to be influenced by my favourite artist.

Here are some of the clips from my stop motion:

Yes…it had taken me a long time to do… These are just seven clips out of 146 frames.
I really enjoyed working with stop motion I had done it previously when I was in college and found it a very long process, but I think its worth it when the final product is finished. 

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Attempting Sculpture..

After a tutorial with Miguel, he said i needed to get out of my comfort zone of drawing my daisies in the same way, and to develop my work i should try and explore different contexts. So far i have only used photography and drawing, i feel that the photography is good as a form of research and documentation aswel as work itself. So i decided to look at sculpture. Previously, if i had ever attempted sculpture it would always go horribly wrong and i felt that was my worst medium, so i've never really had the confidence or felt comfortable doing it since. But after my tutorial i sort of just said "try it!' So i did...My idea was to make daisies out of paper, as this is my main material, and to be quite honest I thought they turned out quite  well to what i was expecting.

I remember looking at an artist Helen Chadwick. She done a piece which was titled "piss flowers" where she and her husband would piss in the snow and make steel moulds of them.


I liked how there were many of these big white sculptures all placed together. My sculptures were slightly influenced by these, but i wanted and felt that i needed to do more with mine. One of my Previous ideas was where i hung my drawings of my daisies out on the line. So i tried it again with my little flower sculptures, and i felt i had explored another medium, installation. I also wanted to take photographs, and videos to take my work into a different context and get certain photographs enlarged to use as pieces of work.