Monday 21 March 2011

'Relationship' Exhibition...

As the end of the second year is approaching, my Exhibition at The Liverpool Art Academy in April is getting closer. I am so excited to be able to show my work to the public. The title of the Whole exhibition is 'Relationship'. I feel that my project has in someway split off into two parts, but are still connected by the subject of flowers. 
My exhibition title is called 'Say it with Flowers'....i had to write a small paragraph about my work for the  public, this is what i wrote........

Janine Kimmance

'Say it with Flowers'

The artists main areas of work are drawing and painting. Janine is currently working on showing the 'relatioship' between herslef and others close to her through paintings of flowers.
The artist says:
"Flowers are given to the people we care about in times of Love, need, celebration and unfortunatley death. But beauty doesn't last forever, even the flowers die and then they are forgotten. So by painting them, I feel that it is alot more personal, and will last longer".
Janine feels that using flower symbolism within her work will help show the ones close to her what they mean/meant to her.

The work in my exhibition will mainly be paintings rather than drawings as i feel these are the works that are mostly relative.

Hang them out to dry.

 After looking through my work i was trying to think of some ideas,
Then i thought right back to the beginning when i first started taking photographs of the daisies whilst  sunbathing in the back garden.
I was thinking about the things that were going on around me at the time, for example:
The dog was running around and my mum was hanging out the washing.

So one of my ideas was to experiment by taking snapshots of my sketches which were hung out on the washing-line.

 The work that I am producing is low-tech as I am using materials that I have close at hand and I don't want to use technology too much, or I feel it will diminish the original values of the work that I'm making. However, I don't want this to affect my ability into use of other mediums, especially as I quite like the idea of creating a stop gap animation, drawing but documenting with a camera each line that I draw to show the process of me working on each flower.