Monday 21 February 2011

Say it with Flowers......

As part of my project i am also looking at flower symbolism/language of flowers, as i think that this will also help me to develop my ideas and work. I aim to look mostly at Victorian flower language as i think this is an era that it was used mostly. The language, sometimes called floriography, was a victorian era form of communication which various flowers and floral arrangements where used to send coded messages, allowing individuals to express feelings, which otherwise could not be spoken.

This language was most commonly communicated through tussie mussies, an art that still follows today, but they are mostly named as posies or bouquets.

The nuances of the language are now mostly forgotten, but red roses still imply passionate, romantic love, and pink roses are less affection. White roses suggest virtue and chastity and yellow roses still stand for devotion and friendship.

Also commonly known meaning are sunflowers which can indicate either haughtiness or respect. Daisies mean innocence or purity. The Pansy signifies thought and a daffodil stands for regard. The Iris being named for the messenger of the gods in greek mythology still represent the sending of a message.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Drawings of My Daisies......

These drawings are done with pencil and yellow colored pencil for the centre of the flower.
this is an example of what i aim for some of the main pieces to look like with a finished frame to present.

A closer picture of the previous drawing in the the frame..
As i carried on drawing these pictures some 'in bloom' and some 'dying off' i thought of the fact that beauty doesn't last forever. this is one of my latest drawings which has a sort of timeline to it,
being, the start of the flowers blooming right to the end where they are slowly dying off.

My first drawing that i done from the photograps..

These sketches that i have shown are sketch book drawings. as well as
my daisy photos being work I've also used them as research so i can draw
and be influenced by them.

A close up of the drawing before. 

This little piece isn't finished this i have started to show the flowers wilting
and the petals delicately falling to the ground.

This is a later piece of work were the 'Beauty doesn't last forever ' concept is more in motion.
here iv'e tried to attempt an almost mirror image but the top is the daisies in bloom, then underneath I've tried to mirror the flowers, but as dying.

Photos of Daisies

These are some of the photographs that i started taking

Out of this little series of photographs i think that this picture
shows a time line if you like, of the daisies beginning to blossom,
in full bloom to them starting to wilt.

What i like about this photo is the fact that every daisy is in full bloom,
from the heavily disguised ones deep within the grass to the tall
ones in the background over-towering the rest.

I find the best thing in this composition is the light on the grass.
i like how it doesn't reflect onto any of the daisies.

I don't think that this is the best photo of this little series, i think its too out of focus
 but i used it because of the light beaming down on the few selected daisies in the background.

This picture is very similar to the previous one.
I like this one more because of the central daisies.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Statment of Intent

In the summer holidays whilst sunbathing in the back garden...(making the most of British weather) i started taking photographs of my mums flowers and the daisies creeping up out of the grass..As i carried on doing this i found that this could potencially turn into one of my art projects as i really enjoyed doing it. so using photography as work and also as a form of research if you like to help towards taking my work further by sketches, actual drawings and paintings, as i find these as my strengths in art.
 I will look at the symbolism in flowers and link it into my work to make it more meaningful and help give it me some sort of direction.